The Need
Working families that were barely making ends meet are now facing higher costs for food, gas, rent, child care causing families to choose between paying for daily staples and paying rent
Lack of affordable rental housing in Calloway County causes a higher percentage of housing cost to an already stretched family budget
The average rent for a 2- or 3-bedroom apartment in Calloway County is $808 per month
The United Way receives an average of 3 calls per week for families that have been displaced from their home; this could mean living in a car, living with a relative or couch surfing with friends
There is a shortage of Section 8 housing and to find a qualified apartment is time consuming as there is no easy list of qualified apartments
There is a shortage of income-based housing in the County
We are experiencing a significant number of applicants for assistance who are living on disability income, In most cases the financial situation is not sustainable
The need is serving the “working poor”, they have lower paying jobs and may be a car repair, appliance repair, medical bill or a family emergency away from not paying rent, gas or food
There is no space available in Calloway County to house Calloway County families recently displaced from their home
There is a 6 month wait for existing transitional housing units in the County
A Calloway County family today would be referred to shelters in Paducah or Paris, TN
Moving the family out of the area could cause a loss of income if there are jobs involved
Moving children out of existing schools can have a negative impact on learning
The Solution
The United Way brand (locally and United Way Kentucky) will be the lead for a County-wide fundraising campaign.
This will not be a shelter, it will be value-added temporary/transitional housing where families can receive training for job skills, financial family budgeting, life skill, economic meal planning.
3 to 6 month stay, no cost, but the family would have to make monthly contributions to a “savings account” to help them move into permanent housing
The purpose is an environment to help break the cycle of dependence and return them to a home of their own
The UWMCC will partner operationally with Hope Calloway, Calloway County Economic Development , KTAP, Housing Coalition of Kentucky, Calloway County 4-H.
The UWMCC needs to partner with the State, City and County governments.
The cost to build two quadplexes is $1 million plus and will be divided into two phases
We could use existing structures but they will require upgrades, repairs and zoning waivers